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AmaterasUML is an Eclipse plug-in for drawing UML class-diagram, and UML sequence-diagram
개발자 : Takezoe, rinoa

1. AmaterasUML 다운로드
AmaterasUML_1.3.2.zip 파일을 다운로드한다

2. GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) 다운로드

3. 설치
AmaterasUML works with Eclipse 3.3 or later(not support Eclipse 3.2), and AmaterasUML also requires GEF.
1. Please download AmaterasUML_x.x.x.zip from here.
2. Unzip that and put all jar files into ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins.
# AmateraUML_1.3.2.zip의 압축을 풀고 다음 3개의 파일을 eclipse의 Plugins폴더에 카피해 넣는다

How to Use
# Class diagram editor
a. Please select "File"->"New"->"Other"->"AmaterasUML"->"Class diagram". Then class diagram file (*.cld) was created.
b. Opened Class diagam editor, and you can edit diagram using pallete. Then fields/methods can add from a context menu.
c. Some properties (ex class name) are edit directry in diagram. but some property(is abstract class or concrete class) are edit only property view.
d. If you want import/export Java, choose "Java" from a context menu.
# Sequence diagram editor
a. Please select "File"->"New"->"Other"->"AmaterasUML"->"Class diagram". Then class diagram file (*.sqd) was created.
b. Opened Sequence diagram editor, and you can edit diagram using pallete.
c. If you want add a Message, choose "Message". Then select source "Lifeline" or "Activation" and target "Lifeline" or "Activation"
d. If you want add a Creation message, choose "Message". Then select source "Lifeline" or "Activation" and target "Instance" (Target instance must be none of imcoming/outgoing message)
e. If you want add a Self-call message, choose "Message". Then select source "Activation" and same "Activation" by target.
f. You can select a class of Instance. Select the instance and choose "Import and Assign Class model" from a context menu. Then you can code assist on diagram or property view. Please hit CTRL + SPACE(limitation: can't use mouse when select the proposal, and if you escape the edit on diagram, hit esc key 2 times...)
# Sequence API example
Please select "Window"->"Show View"->"Other"->"AmaterasUML"->"Stack Trace Sample".Then paste Java stack trace to opened view, and execute action. New stacktrace.sqd file is created on selected project/folder.
# Usecase diagram editor
a. Please select "File"->"New"->"Other"->"AmaterasUML"->"Usecase diagram". Then class diagram file (*.ucd) was created.
b. Opened Usecase diagram editor, and you can edit diagram using pallete.
c. You can change the Actor image using property.
d. You can also attach any file to Usecase using property.
e. If you double click the Usecase, attached file will open in Eclipse.

2011.06.02 14:20 (업로드 2011.06.02 14:20)


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